
Is India Moving Away From A Secularist State ????

Points to be put on regarding this Topic....

Talk about the secularism,I don't think that India is moving away from a secularist state, because now a day’s people are more talking about the religion & all religious matters. Every one making move towards the Good Indian people are more religious now a days. The new trend of attracting votes from Cast division and Cast particular perks is the main cause India is moving towards a state of Civil Conflicts. This division of citizens on the basis of Casts only brings a feeling of separation from others in the country which in turn will lead to tarnish the image of world’s largest secular country in the World. If we talk about one the political parties of India BJP believes in and practices Hindutva, rejects the Harijans, and is even more pro Bush than Congress. Though some elements are trying to portray to this effect, India remains and will continue to remain a Secular State. People of all religions, caste, community, race or creed can live peacefully practicing their belief. Can do business and can raise and hold any positions in India. There is no gradation as second class citizenship in India (In some countries like Pakistan, Hindus and Christians are graded as second class citizens and deprived of many rights. Moreover these rights are guaranteed under Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India.We have example of secular politics in bihar these days...where Honorable Chief minister of bihar Mr.Nitish Kr trying to proof himself a secularist pillar in front of majority by his statements against the member of his own alliance party NDA(BJP) Mr.Narendra Modi and by returning the helping amount of Rs.5 crores given for Koshi flood.

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Hi Friends,
Due to some hectic schedules these days....i was not posting training materials for your GD/PI. Sorry for this discontinuation & inconvenience......From today onwards i'll start my training again.....Just visit the blog regularly coz at every adjacent day,i'll discuss a GD topic in details.
Best Of Luck


Mentor's Text & Video Message

Dear Friends,
from today onwards i'll torch on the
Burning & Evergreen GD topics i've already published in my last Post on 24th of May 2010. Freinds remember one thing i've launched this blog just for helping you all in your GD/PI preperation at every Nooks & Cranys.....and for helping you in full motion i need your co-operation and your full enthusiams towards menting your own career in a glistning path and i'll try my best to add full catalyst and momentum in your mixture........... So, plaese leave comments and questions if you face any doubt.Also click on my video message below............For any queries you can leave comments on this blog or you can just mail your queries at

Thanx (Kumar Piyush)


Burning And Evergreen GD Topics

Is India moving away from a secularist state?
Education in India - or the lack of it.
What ails Indian sports?
The Age of Information .
Is Philosophy just an armchair theory?
Success is all about human relations .
Borderless worlds - Dream or reality?
Quality is a myth in India.
Education and success - Is there a correlation?
We don't learn from history, we repeat it .
Do we need a global policeman .
Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
Agrarian Economy in India - boon or bane .
If there were no armies in the world......
Indian customs - are we in a time warp?
"How green was my valley........” Is nature paying the price?
Management Education - Is it necessary to succeed in business .
The role of NGOs in economics and politics.
NGOs - Do they serve peoples interests or are they pressure groups?
Death of Socialism .
Role of women in development .
Kids today are not what they used to be.
Casteless India - A pipe dream .
Should Trade Unionism be banned in India.
Repeated elections - Should taxpayers pay for it?
Indian bureaucracy - foundation strengths or colonial hangovers?
In India, the whole is less than the parts - Do we lack in team spirit?
Generation X - Drivers of our future or are they our lost souls?
Do we need a cut in the defense budget?
"" companies - Is there room for everyone?
Artificial Intelligence - Will man be ever replaced by machines?
If I were to choose my person of the millennium...
All the world is a stage....
when managers become Hamlets...
If Patel were our first Prime Minister.......
Materialism - Have we sold our souls to the Devil?
You've come a long way, baby - The rise and rise of feminist power.
Role of ethics in tobacco industry, liquor industry etc.
Should gambling be legalised in India?
Are we unfit for Democracy?
Survival tools for the new millennium .
Examinations - has it killed education .
Cultural Invasion through the air waves .
Should doctors be tried in Consumer Courts .
Abortion and Euthanasia - Is it morally right for society.
Are beauty pageants necessary?
The relevance of Gandhism today .
India and the WTO .
Did India handle the hijack issue properly?
Is E-Commerce the best thing for India .
Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience.
Democracy is hampering India progress .
MBA in India is highly overrated.
Religion is a private affair and should be of no concern for the state.
Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour.
Should we pursue our policy of dialogue with Pakistan?
Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?
A Unipolar World spells disaster for underdeveloped countries like India.
Is Globalisation Really Necessary?
What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?
Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy.
Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture.
What India needs is a Dictatorship.
With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour.
Kaun Banega Krorepati is less about knowledge but more about money and personality.
Beauty contests degrade womanhood .
The rise of regional blocs threatens independent nations like India.
Six billion and one bronze!
Is dependence on computers a good thing?
Should the public sector be privatised?
China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways.
Is India a Soft Nation?
Value based politics is the need of the hour.
Religion should not be mixed with politics .
How to deal with high oil prices .
Our cricketers are not to blame for match fixing.
Why cant we be world players in industry as we are in software?
Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
Should there be limits on artistic freedom (the controversy on Fire).
Should there be private universities?
Does banning fashion shows and New Year parties save our culture?
Are Big Dams Necessary?
Films are corrupting the Indian Youth .
A Gandhian State selling liquor is an anomaly.
Bride burning and dowry may look bad, but are an integral part of India.
Our Culture is Decaying .
We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment .
The education system needs serious reforms.
The impact of MTV on our psyche.
Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television.
Let us legalise gambling .
Is management an art or a science?
The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big money.
Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion .
The objective of Management is to maximise profits.
Do professional managers have a chance in our family run businesses?
The Internet is an exercise in hype .
Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life?
Family owned business vs professionally run businesses.
Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope for professional growth.
Dot com or doubt com?
The Wheel is Turning Round and Round .
If I was the Finance Minister/Prime Minister.
There is no right way to do a wrong thing .
Group Task: How can we have Mount Everest in India?
Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?
When I woke up in the morning I saw…
A ship docked in harbor cannot face the storms .
Up the Down Staircase .
Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones
Marriage is a social trap .
Secularism has become a tool to justify the wrongs done by the minorities.
Media is a mixed blessing/How ethical is media?
To fight AIDs, stop being coy about sex education.
What should India strive for- Westernization or modernization?
Developing countries need trade, not aid.
Why do we lag behind China?
Capitalism is a very flawed system but the others are so much worse.
Flexibility of labour laws is the key to attracting more Foreign Direct Investment.
Is the business of business only business?
Reserving seats for women in Panchayat has been a farce .
Have the nuclear tests of 1998 benefited or harmed India?
Voters, not, political parties are responsible for the criminalisation of politics.
India should go for the presidential form of democracy.
In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
Every cloud has a silver lining .
Can the economy achieve an 8 percent growth rate?.
Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order ?
Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?.
Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatal in larger doses.

Modern day sport in industrialised society is an industry, as anything else.
Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.
Reforms have to grow up.
The future lies with globalization .
Is the consumer really the king in India?.
Globalisation versus nationalism .
Conditional access system for cable TV watchers boon or bane?
Commercialisation of health care : Good or Bad ?
For globalisation to succeed in India people must be able to see what is in it for them .
Is the US economy headed the Japanese economy way?
Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity
Markets left to themselves encourage greed.
For globalisation to succeed in India people must be able to see what is in it for them .
Should businessmen run the finance ministry ?
Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.
Is there any point in having a business strategy when the world changes from month to month?
Is the patents bill good for India? .
Is the business of business only business?.
Globalisation is good for developing countries .
Public sector being a guarantor of job security is a myth.
Is industryless growth here to stay ?
Capitalism is a very flawed system but the others are so much worse ?
How can business get rid of the bad name that it has earned?
Government pumping money into the economy is not the solution for our economic problems\
Business ethics are no longer a luxury for corporates but a necessity?
How should privatisation proceeds be utilised ?
Is the budgeting exercise of any use?
Should agricultural subsidies be stopped ?
Will Mumbai's film industry ever evolve into a truly modern corporatised one?
Will market reforms enrich rich states further, lag further?.
Why do we lag behind China ?
Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies ?.
Why not use a brand index to measure national prosperity?.
What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
War rhetoric is misplaced in a country like India which is trying to globalise its economy.
Trade can help the poor ?
The power ministry should cut off supplies to all the defaulting SEBs.
Steal a few lakhs and you're a criminal. Steal a few hundred crores and you become an industrialist.
Should PSUs be divested through strategic sale or, public offer?
The state is above the law?
Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience .
Democracy is hampering India progress .
MBA in India is highly overrated.
Religion is a private affair and should be of no concern for the state .
Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour .
Gandhi & Technology .
Uniform Civil Code.
Move on .
2 plus 2 is 4 or, 2 plus 2 is 5.

For any query leave comment or mail me at .....Thank You


Most Common mistakes made at Group Discussions

Here's a list of the most common mistakes made at group discussions:

Emotional outburst:
Shampa was offended when one of the male participants in a group discussion made a statement on women generally being submissive while explaining his point of view. When Shampa finally got an opportunity to speak, instead of focussing on the topic, she vented her anger by accusing the other candidate for being a male chauvinist and went on to defend women in general.

What Shampa essentially did was to:

• Deviate from the subject

• Treat the discussion as a forum to air her own views.

• Lose objectivity and make personal attacks.

Her behaviour would have been perceived as immature and demotivating to the rest of the team.

Quality Vs Quantity:

Harsh believed that the more he talked, the more likely he was to get through the GD. So, he interrupted other people at every opportunity. He did this so often that the other candidates got together to prevent him from participating in the rest of the discussion.

• Assessment is not only on your communication skills but also on your ability to be a team player.

• Evaluation is based on quality, and not on quantity. Your contribution must be relevant.

• The mantra is "Contributing meaningfully to the team's success." Domination is frowned upon.

Egotism Showing off:

Ayushi was happy to have got a group discussion topic she had prepared for. So, she took pains to project her vast knowledge of the topic. Every other sentence of her contained statistical data - "20% of companies; 24.27% of parliamentarians felt that; I recently read in a Jupiter Report that..." and so on so forth. Soon, the rest of the team either laughed at her or ignored her attempts to enlighten them as they perceived that she was cooking up the data.

• Exercise restraint in anything. You will end up being frowned upon if you attempt showing-off your knowledge.

• Facts and figures need not validate all your statements.

• Its your analysis and interpretation that are equally important - not just facts and figures.

• You might be appreciated for your in-depth knowledge. But you will fail miserably in your people skills.

Such a behavior indicates how self-centered you are and highlights your inability to work in an atmosphere where different opinions are expressed.

Get noticed - But for the right reasons:

Piyush knew that everyone would compete to initiate the discussion. So as soon as the topic - "Discuss the negative effects of India joining the WTO" - was read out, he began talking. In his anxiety to be the first to start speaking, he did not hear the word "negative" in the topic. He began discussing the ways in which the country had benefited by joining WTO, only to be stopped by the evaluator, who then corrected his mistake.

• False starts are extremely expensive. They cost you your admission. It is very important to listen and understand the topic before you air your opinions.

• Spending a little time analyzing the topic may provide you with insights which others may not have thought about. Use a pen and paper to jot down your ideas.

• Listen! It gives you the time to conceptualize and present the information in a better manner.

Some mistakes are irreparable. Starting off the group discussion with a mistake is one such mistake, unless you have a great sense of humor.

Managing one's insecurities:

Namrata was very nervous. She thought that some of the other candidates were exceptionally good. Thanks to her insecurity, she contributed little to the discussion. Even when she was asked to comment on a particular point, she preferred to remain silent.

• Your personality is also being evaluated. Your verbal and non verbal cues are being read.

• Remember, you are the participant in the GD; not the evaluator. So, rather than evaluating others and your performance, participate in the discussion.

• Your confidence level is being evaluated. Decent communication skills with good confidence is a must to crack the GDs.

Focus on your strengths and do not spend too much time thinking about how others are superior or inferior to you. It is easy to pick up these cues from your body language.

Knowledge is strength. A candidate with good reading habits has more chances of success. In other words, sound knowledge on different topics like politics, finance, economy, science and technology is helpful.

Power to convince effectively is another quality that makes you stand out among others.

Clarity in speech and expression is yet another essential quality.

If you are not sure about the topic of discussion, it is better not to initiate. Lack of knowledge or wrong approach creates a bad impression. Instead, you might adopt the wait and watch attitude. Listen attentively to others, may be you would be able to come up with a point or two later.

A GD is a formal occasion where slang is to avoided.

A GD is not a debating stage. Participants should confine themselves to expressing their viewpoints. In the second part of the discussion candidates can exercise their choice in agreeing, disagreeing or remaining neutral.

Language use should be simple, direct and straight forward.

Don't interrupt a speaker when the session is on. Try to score by increasing your size, not by cutting others short.

Maintain rapport with fellow participants. Eye contact plays a major role. Non-verbal gestures, such as listening intently or nodding while appreciating someone's viewpoint speak of you positively.

Communicate with each and every candidate present. While speaking don't keep looking at a single member. Address the entire group in such a way that everyone feels you are speaking to him or her.

Please leave your comments to let me help you in much better way...
Or mail your feedback at


Some important FAQ's regarding GD-PI

How do I take my chance to speak: Trying to interrupt others while speaking would only harm your chances. Instead, you may try to maintain an eye-contact with the speaker. This would show your listening skills also and would help you gauge from his eye-movement and pitch of voice that he is about to close his inputs. You can quickly take it from there. Also, try and link your inputs with what he has spoken whether you are adding to or opposing his arguments. This would reflect that you are actually being participative rather than just doing a collective monologue.
How to I communicate in a GD: Be crisp and to the point. Be fact based and avoid making individual opinions that do not have a factual base. Make eye contact with all the members in the group and avoid looking at the panelists while speaking. The average duration of the group discussion provides an average of about 2-3 minutes per participant to speak and you should try to speak about 3-4 times. Hence, you need to be really crisp to reflect the most in those 30-40 sec. slots.
How do I convince others and make them agree to my view point: A lot of candidates make it their mission to make the group reach to a conclusion on the topic. Do not forget that some of the topics have been eternal debates and there is no way you can get an agreement in 15 mins. on them. The objective is not to make others toe your line but to provide fact based, convincing arguments which create an impact. Stick to this approach.
Do leadership skills include moderating the group discussion: This is a myth and many people do try to impose their order on the GD, ordering people when to speak and when not to. This only reflects poor leadership. Leadership in a GD would be reflected by your clarity of thought, ability to expand the topic in its different dimensions, providing an opportunity to a silent participant to speak, listening to others and probing them to provide more information. Hence, work on these areas rather than be a self-appointed moderator of the group.
Listening: This is a key quality assessed during the GD about which many participants forget. Active listening can fetch you credit points and would also provide you with data to discuss. Also, if you have an average of 2-3 minutes to speak, the rest of the 20-25 minutes is required to spent in active listening. For this, maintain eye contact with the speakers, attend to them (like nodding, using acknowledging words like -I see ok, fine, great etc.). This would also make you be the centre of attraction as you would appear non-threatening to the speakers.
Behaviour during the GD: Be patient; don't get upset if anyone says anything you object to. Stay objective and don't take the discussion personally. Also, remember the six C's of communication - Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness, Confidence, Correctness and Courtesy. Be appreciative & receptive to ideas from other people and open-minded but do not let others to change your own viewpoint. Be active and interested throughout. It is better to participate less if you have no clue of the topic. You may listen to others and take clues from there and speak. You would be assessed on a range of different skills and you may think that leadership is key, you need to be careful that you don't dominate the discussion.
Quality Vs Quantity: Often, participants think that success in group discussions depends on how much and how loudly they speak. Interestingly, it's the opposite. Also, making your point on the topic, your views are important and the group needs to know. This will tell you are knowledgeable and that you participate in groups
Summarizing: If you have not been able to initiate the discussion, try to summaries and close it. Good summarizing would get you good reward points. A conclusion is where the whole group decides in favour or against the topic and most GDs do not have a closure. But every GD can be summarized by putting forth what the group has discussed in a nutshell. Keep the following points in mind while summarizing a discussion:
-Avoid raising new points.
-Avoid stating only your viewpoint.
-Avoid dwelling only on one aspect of the GD
-Keep it brief and concise.
-It must include all the important points that came out during the GD
-If you are asked to summarise a GD, it means the GD has come to an end.
-Do not add anything once the GD has been summarised.
Some Positive Task Roles in a Group Discussion:U may want to play 1 or more of them:
-Information seeker
-Information giver
-Procedure facilitator
-Opinion seeker
-Opinion giver
-Social Supporter
-Tension Reliever
Negative Roles to be Avoided:

-Disgruntled non-participant

Please give comments so that i can help you in much better way.
You can also mail me at


GD-PI Preperation

While selection tools and techniques like tests, interviews etc. provide good data about an individual, they fall short in providing real life data of how an individual would be performing in a real life situation especially a group situation. Team work being an integral part of an MBA work profile, it is important to ascertain group and inter-personal qualities of an individual. Group discussion is a useful tool to ascertain these qualities and many organizations use GDs as a selection tool along with Personal Interviews, aptitude tests etc. A GD is an activity where
*Groups of 8-10 candidates are formed into a leaderless group, and are given a specific situation to analyse and discuss within a given time limit, which may vary between twenty minutes and forty-five minutes, or
*They may be given a case study and asked to come out with a solution for a problem
*They may be given a topic and are asked to discuss the same

1. Preparing for a Group Discussion: While GD reflects the inherent qualities of an individual, appearing for it unprepared may not augur well for you. These tips would help you prepare for GDs:
Reading: This is the first and the most crucial step in preparation. This is a never ending process and the more you read, the better you are in your thoughts. While you may read anything to everything, you must ensure that you are in good touch with current affairs, the debates and hot topics of discussion and also with the latest in the IT and ITES industry. Chances are the topics would be around these. Read both for the thoughts as well as for data. Also read multiple view points on the same topic and then create your point of view with rationale. Also create answers for counter arguments for your point of view. The electronic media also will be of good use here.
Mocks: Create an informal GD group and meet regularly to discuss and exchange feedback. This is the best way to prepare. This would give you a good idea about your thoughts and how well can you convince. Remember, it is important that you are able to express your thoughts well. The better you perform in these mocks the better would be you chances to perform on the final day. Also try to interact and participate in other GD groups. This will develop in you a skill to discuss with unknown people as well.

2. During the Group Discussion:
What do the panelists assess:Some of the qualities assessed in a GD are:
Leadership Skills - Ability to take leadership roles and be able to lead, inspire and carry the team along to help them achieve the group's objectives.
Communication Skills - Candidates will be assessed in terms of clarity of thought, expression and aptness of language. One key aspect is listening. It indicates a willingness to accommodate others views.
Interpersonal Skills - People skills are an important aspect of any job. They are reflected in the ability to interact with other members of the group in a brief situation. Emotional maturity and balance promotes good interpersonal relationships. The person has to be more people centric and less self-centered.
Persuasive Skills - The ability to analyze and persuade others to see the problem from multiple perspectives.
GD is a test of your ability to think, your analytical capabilities and your ability to make your point in a team-based environment.
These are some of the sub-skills that also get assessed with the skills mentioned above:
-Clarity of thought
-Group working skills (especially during a group task of case study discussion)
-Conflict handling
-Listening and probing skills
-Knowledge about the subject and individual point of view
-Ability to create a consensus
-Openess and flexibility towards new ideas
-Data based approach to decision making
While, it is not possible to reflect all these qualities in a short time, you would do well if you are able to show a couple or more qualities and avoid giving negative evidence on others.


GD Do's and Dont's

(1)Be as natural as possible. Do not try and be someone you are not. Be yourself.
(2)A group discussion is your chance to be more vocal. The evaluator wants to hear you speak.
(3)Take time to organize your thoughts. Think of what you are going to say.
(4)Seek clarification if you have any doubts regarding the subject.
(5)Don't start speaking until you have clearly understood and analyzed the subject.
(6)Work out various strategies to help you make an entry: initiate the discussion or agree with someone else's point and then move onto express your views.
(7)Opening the discussion is not the only way of gaining attention and recognition. If you do not give valuable insights during the discussion, all your efforts of initiating the discussion will be in vain.
(8)Your body language says a lot about you - your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to reflect your attitude than what you say.
(9)Language skills are important only to the effect as to how you get your points across clearly and fluently.
(10)Be assertive not dominating; try to maintain a balanced tone in your discussion and analysis.
(11)Don't lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The key is to stay objective: Don't take the discussion personally.
(12)Always be polite: Try to avoid using extreme phrases like: `I strongly object' or `I disagree'. Instead try phrases like: `I would like to share my views on…' or `One difference between your point and mine…' or "I beg to differ with you"
(13)Brush up on your leadership skills; motivate the other members of the team to speak (this surely does not mean that the only thing that you do in the GD is to say "let us hear what the young lady with the blue scarf has to say," or "Raghu, let us hear your views" - Essentially be subtle), and listen to their views. Be receptive to others' opinions and do not be abrasive or aggressive.
(14)If you have a group of like-minded friends, you can have a mock group discussion where you can learn from each other through giving and receiving feedback.
(15)Apart from the above points, the panel will also judge team members for their alertness and presence of mind, problem-solving abilities, ability to work as a team without alienating certain members, and creativity.


Key Points to Remember for Group Discussion

(1)Knowledge is strength. A candidate with good reading habits has more chances of success. In other words, sound knowledge on different topics like politics, finance, economy, science and technology is helpful.
(2)Power to convince effectively is another quality that makes you stand out among others.
(3)Clarity in speech and expression is yet another essential quality.
(4)If you are not sure about the topic of discussion, it is better not to initiate. Lack of knowledge or wrong approach creates a bad impression. Instead, you might adopt the wait and watch attitude. Listen attentively to others, may be you would be able to come up with a point or two later.
(5)A GD is a formal occasion where slang is to avoided.
(6)A GD is not a debating stage. Participants should confine themselves to expressing their viewpoints. In the second part of the discussion candidates can exercise their choice in agreeing, disagreeing or remaining neutral.
(7)Language use should be simple, direct and straight forward.
(8)Don't interrupt a speaker when the session is on. Try to score by increasing your size, not by cutting others short.
(9)Maintain rapport with fellow participants. Eye contact plays a major role. Non-verbal gestures, such as listening intently or nodding while appreciating someone's viewpoint speak of you positively.
(10)Communicate with each and every candidate present. While speaking don't keep looking at a single member. Address the entire group in such a way that everyone feels you are speaking to him or her.
(11)Additional marks may be given for starting or concluding the discussion.

What is GD and Why do we have GD?

A GD is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the it among themselves for 15-20 minutes.

Some of the personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include :- Ability to work in a team Communication skills Reasoning ability Leadership skills Initiative Assertiveness Flexibility Creativity Ability to think on ones feet

Why GDs:-The reason why institutes put you through a Group discussion and an interview, after testing your technical and conceptual skills in an exam, is to get to know you as a person and gauge how well you will fit in their institute. The Group discussion tests how you function as a part of a team. As a manager, you will always be working in teams, as a member or as a leader. Therefore how you interact in a team becomes an important criterion for your selection. Managers have to work in a team and get best results out of teamwork. That is the reason why management institutes include GD as a component of the selection procedure.

Company's Perspective:- Companies conduct group discussion after the written test so as to check on your interactive skills and how good you are at communicating with other people. The GD is to check how you behave, participate and contribute in a group, how much importance do you give to the group objective as well as your own, how well do you listen to viewpoints of others and how open-minded are you in accepting views contrary to your own. The aspects which make up a GD are verbal communication, non-verbal behavior, conformation to norms, decision-making ability and cooperation. You should try to be as true as possible to these aspects.

My first post

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With Regards,
Kumar Piyush